Tuesday, October 22, 2019

New Episode! Colleen Kennedy talks about her journey from the adjuncting to the Shakespeare Theater Company

                                                              Dr. Colleen Kennedy

This week, Remixing the Humanities sits down for a brief chat with Colleen Kennedy, the publicist for Washington D.C.'s Shakespeare Theater Company and talks about the road from academia to the "alt-ac," or, as Colleen calls it, "IRL jobs." She talks about how she tailored her job materials for a position off the tenure-track, and how she feels graduate students and humanities programs could do a better job of preparing students to work outside the academy. Additionally, she gives some advice on how graduate students can make sure that they are thinking of writing/communicating to readers of all stripes, and how cultivating a writing career outside of your dissertation or academic journals can be one of the wisest career moves you make. Also, she talks about how her new career provides something that is often lacking in academia - a work/life balance!

Check out the new episode here!

For more information on the Shakespeare Theater Company, head here!
Colleen is happy to share her experience with the curious! You can find her on Twitter at @ReadColleenK.

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