Tuesday, September 24, 2019

New Episode! Jenn Stewart (The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) talks about FYC and the importance of talking about diversity

                             Dr. Jenn Stewart - The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Join us this week as Devori talks with Dr. Jenn Stewart, the director of composition and assistant professor of English at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Jenn tells Devori about her research with first-year composition courses and texts that focus on issues surrounding diversity. They talk about how important it is that humanities courses provide a necessary touchstone to diversity for college students, as well as what sort of data can be derived from such initiatives to help steer humanities programs into public-facing pedagogy that helps create an informed electorate and conscientious citizens, and avoid the dreaded "indoctrination" accusation.

Check out the episode here!

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

New Episode - Jason Farr and Travis Lau talk queer/disability studies, embodiment, and vulnerable pedagogy.

                                  Jason Farr                                                Travis Lau

On our first episode of our third season, we’re joined by Jason Farr and Travis Lau. Jason and Travis talk with us about disability/queer studies and how those areas of interest intersect with issues of embodiment. We also talk about how social media is a problematic but potentially fruitful space for public-facing engagement that moves us out of the ivory tower, and the value of collaborative work in the academy. Furthermore, we discuss how questions of disability should be influencing both our pedagogy and how we interact with one another in scholarly spaces like conferences.

Please check out Jason and Travis’s work:

Jason Farr, Novel Bodies: Disability and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature: https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/novel-bodies/9781684481071

Travis Lau, The Bone Setter from Damaged Goods Press: http://www.damagedgoodspress.com/product/2019-chaplet-series/

Jason and Travis's ASECS post on accessible conferences: https://asecsgradcaucus.wordpress.com/2019/02/21/accessibility-at-asecs-and-beyond-a-guest-post-by-dr-jason-farr-and-dr-travis-chi-wing-lau/
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